March 3
1791Congress establishes the U.S. Mint.
1803The first impeachment trial of a U.S. Judge, John Pickering, begins.
1817The first commercial steamboat route from Louisville to New Orleans is opened.
1845Florida becomes the 27th U.S. state.
1857Under pretexts, Britain and France declare war on China.
1861The serfs of Russia are emancipated by Alexander II as part of a program of westernization.
1863 President Abraham Lincoln signs the conscription act compelling U.S. citizens to report for duty in the Civil War or pay $300.00.
1877Rutherford B. Hays, the republican governor of Ohio is elected president, his election confirmed by an electoral commission after disputed election the previous November.
1878Russia and the Ottomans sign the treaty of Stenafano, granting independence to Serbia.
1905The Russian Czar agrees to create an elected assembly.
1918The Soviets and Germany sign a peace treaty at Brest-Litovsk depriving the Soviets of White Russia.
1919 Boeing flies the first U.S. international airmail from Vancouver, British Columbia to Seattle, Washington.
1923The first issue of Time magazine is published. It's editor, Henry R. Luce, is just out of Yale.
1931President Herbert Hoover signs a bill that makes Francis Scott Key's "Star Spangled Banner," the national anthem.
1939In Bombay, Gandhi begins a fast to protest the state's autocratic rule.
1940A Nazi air raid kills 108 on a British liner in the English Channel.
1941Moscow denounces the Axis rule in Bulgaria.
1942The RAF raids the industrial suburbs of Paris.
1945Finland declares war on the Axis.
1952The U.S. Supreme Court upholds New York's Feinberg Law banning Communist teachers in the United States.
1969Sirhan Sirhan testifies in a court in Los Angeles that he killed Robert Kennedy.
1973Japan discloses its first defense plan since World War II.
1999Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky appears on national television to explain her affair with President Bill Clinton.

Born on March 3
1831George M. Pullman, inventor of the railway sleeping car.
1847Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the first telephone as well as other devices.
1873William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor.
1895Matthew Ridgway, U.S. Army leader in World War II and Korea.
1911Jean Harlow, (Hell's Angels, Dinner at Eight).
1916Robert Whitehead, Broadway producer (Bus Stop, A Man for All Seasons).
1918Arthur Kornberg, Nobel Prize-winning biochemist.
1920Robert Searle, cartoonist.
1926James Merrill, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet (Divine Comedies).
1927Nicolas Freeling, crime writer.

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