Born on March 3 | ||
1831 | George M. Pullman, inventor of the railway sleeping car. | |
1847 | Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the first telephone as well as other devices. | |
1873 | William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor. | |
1895 | Matthew Ridgway, U.S. Army leader in World War II and Korea. | |
1911 | Jean Harlow, (Hell's Angels, Dinner at Eight). | |
1916 | Robert Whitehead, Broadway producer (Bus Stop, A Man for All Seasons). | |
1918 | Arthur Kornberg, Nobel Prize-winning biochemist. | |
1920 | Robert Searle, cartoonist. | |
1926 | James Merrill, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet (Divine Comedies). | |
1927 | Nicolas Freeling, crime writer. |
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